Manufacturing and Production Units
  • Project Name: Business Accounting
  • Client: Company Name Inc.
  • Project Commencement Date: January 26, 2019
  • Project Completion Date: March 27, 2019
  • Project url:

Manufacturing and Production Units

Run reliably around the clock

While there are many applications across the wood products industry, all of them have two things in common – extreme conditions and crushing deadlines. Caltex helps you handle both by providing specialized expertise, premium lubricants and tailored programs, to help your equipment and your operation run more reliably and efficiently, so you can be optimally productive and fiercely competitive.

Our industrial lubricants help protect equipment throughout your plant, including your critical paper machine bearings, couplings, gearboxes, hydraulics, pumps and electric motors. We offer circulating oils with excellent water separability, to help protect your equipment from emulsions and your effluent from contaminants. Our dye-free greases handle high temperatures and won’t stain your product. Plus our experts can recommend ways to streamline lubricant inventories and initiate programs to maintain oil cleanliness.

We also offer biodegradable industrial lubricants formulated to deliver excellent temperature stability, deposit protection and long life. This helps you meet both your environmental and production requirements, and minimize the need for maintenance visits in the field. When your production window opens, make sure your equipment is ready to go.